
Trademark Project by EBS, Exterior Building Services, LLC
Trademark Project by Exterior Building Services, LLC
Trademark Project by Exterior Building Services, LLC

Services Provided: Repairs to the 4th St. Elevation. Wet Glazed all windows in the Curtain wall with silicone caulk. Repair any damaged EIFS. Power wash the EIFS wall areas. Apply an Elastomeric Coating to all walls on the elevation. Remove and replace Silspan silicone tape at joints.

Project Description: Started the work on the lower elevation. Rigged the building with Swing Stages. Trimmed the gaskets between the glass and metal framing and caulked with silicone caulk. Removed the perimeter sealant around the Curtain Wall and the windows and replaced with new sealant. Removed and installed the new silspan at the joints in the EIFS. Power Washed all the walls and coated with an elastomeric coating. The same sequence was done at the upper elevation.